

o   Introduction to DDT

        o   DDT stands for Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane

        o   DDT is a compound made up of:
                    o   Hydrogen
                    o   Carbon
                    o  Chlorine

        o   It is prepared chemically in reactions between Chloral (CCI3CHO) and Chlorobenzene (C6H5CI)

o   Physical and Chemical Properties Of DDT

        o   Physical Properties
                    o   Colourless crystalline
                    o   White powdery material
                    o   Slight aromatic odour
                    o   Insoluble in water
                    o   Soluble in fats
                    o   Density at 20 degrees is 1.016kg/L
                    o   Boiling Point: 185oC

        o   Chemical Properties
                    o   Made up of hydrogen, carbon, and chlorine
                    o   Chemical Formula: C14H9Cl5 à so in every molecule, there are
                                o   14 Carbon atoms
                                o   8 Hydrogen atoms
                                o   5 Chlorine atoms
                    o   Reactions with:
                                o   Oil: DDT dissolves in
                                o   H2O: DDT doesn’t mix, since its insoluble in water

o   Physical and Chemical Properties Of DDT That Makes it Ideal for Pesticides 

        o   Physical Properties
                    o   Insoluble in water
                                o   When farmers water their plants, or when it rains; DDT won't wash away à so we need less pesticide, saving money
                    o   Soluble in fats
                                o   Once it gets into the pest, DDT will contact the nerve cell’s plasma membrane (the outer part)
                                o  The membrane is made up mostly of fats, so DDT will dissolve
                                o   As it enters the cell, it create a large opening
                                o   Potassium ions and sodium ions à two essential substances in order for a nerve cell to operate properly
                                o   If nerve cells don’t work, creatures (such as pests) will either suffer convulsion or paralysis and they will die

        o   Chemical Properties
                    o   Reactions with:
                                o   Oil: DDT dissolved in: Since it dissolves in oils, it dissolves in fats of animals 
                                            (especially tiny insects) and kills them by damaging their nervous system
                                o   H2O: DDT doesn’t mix, since its insoluble in water: DIssolves only in the animal fats

o   Physical and Chemical Properties Of DDT That Makes it a Problem
        o   Physical Properties
                    o   Insoluble in water
                                o   If DDT gets into oceans, it will be like an oil spill
                                o   It doesn’t get off sea creature easily
                                o   It will poison lots of sea life
                                o   It will dissolve only inside the animals; killing them
                                o   Creature who rely on seafood (seagulls, people, polar bears) will also be poisoned
                                o   Creature who rely on creature who rely on sea food will be poisoned, and so on
                    o   Soluble in fats
                                o   This is an ethical issue, since we are knowingly killing animals in a slow, painful way à we poison their nervous system, disabling it work properly
                                o   The creature at the top of the food chain will suffer the highest concentration, since everything they eat has some DDT. Who is at the top? Humans.

        o   Chemical Properties
                    o   Reactions with:
                                o   Oil: DDT dissolves in
                                        o   This is an ethical issue, since we are knowingly paralyse animals
                                        o   The creature at the top of the food chain will suffer the highest contamination
                                o   H2O: DDT doesn’t mix, since its insoluble in water 
                                        o   It doesn’t wash away 
                                        o   If DDT gets into oceans, it will be like an oil spill
                                        o   It will poison lots of sea life
                                        o   It will dissolve only inside the animals; killing them
                                        o   Creatures who rely on seafood (seagulls, people, polar bears), will all be contaminated

o   Interesting Facts About DDT

o   Harmful effects on humans:
        o   Mild- serious damage to the liver, kidney, or central nervous system

o   On the other hand, there is little scientific evidence to conclude that DDT is a serious health threat
        o   In one experiment people took capsules with some DDT everyday for 18 months
        o   There were no measurable health concerns