
Classification of matter

·         Compound made from Hydrogen, Carbon, and Chlorine

·         14 Carbon atoms

·         8 Hydrogen atoms

·          5 Chlorine atoms

Chemical and physical properties making our product ideal for what it is used in

·         Extremely persistent chemical

·         Gets into all fats of organisms

·         Stays in fats of organisms

·         Cells have plasma membrane which allows specific substances to leave and enter cell
                    --> water
                    --> food
                    --> oxygen

·         Plasma membrane made of fats

·         DDT is fat soluble (dissolves easily into membrane)

·         Opens membrane making room for itself

·         Opens membrane too much

·         Cell leaks

·         Sodium ions and potassium ions leak


Investigating Physical and Chemical Properties

·         For every molecule of DDT, there are14 carbon atoms, 9 hydrogen atoms and 5 chlorine

·         Pure Form: white, crystalline powder with little odor

Chemical and Physical properties that may be a problem

·         Does not break down in environment or its organisms

·         DDT has long time

·         Low solubility in water

·         DDT will NOT dissolve in water (therefore difficult to wash away in environment)

·         High solubility  in fats

·         DDT will dissolve in fats (cause accumulation)

·         Accumulation causes another problem with DDT

·         DDT becomes more concentrated going up food chain

·         Animals on top of food chain can have highest concentrations of DDT

·         Humans are on top of food chain

Effects of DDT

·         1950: thought DDT was harmless

·         Most used pesticide then

·         People were unaffected even with direct contact of DDT

·         Difficult for DDT to be absorbed through human skin

·         After time: realised DDT stays in our bodies

·         Gets stored in fatty organs as the adrenals, thyroids, livers, kidneys

·         DDT concentrations are high in human milk

(milk production depends on stored body fat)

Too Much DDT can cause

·         Headaches
·         Nausea
·         Vomiting
·         Confusion
·         Tremors
·         EVEN death